July 11, 2022

Financial Services in Ireland – Skills of the Future Report

Financial Services in Ireland – Skills of the Future

New skills needed to address rapid technological advancements and climate change challenge

Ireland’s financial services sector is fundamental to the growth and prosperity of the country. Our new report, Financial Services in Ireland – Skills of the Future, highlights a variety of news skills required in Ireland’s financial services sector, as it navigates an increasingly digital future and the challenges of climate change.

The main skills gaps identified in the survey within the report were data analytics and machine learning (18%), digital transformation (18%), and risk and compliance (18%).

The report makes a number of recommendations, including:

  • Extending existing talent initiatives that increase access to in-demand skills, such as the IFS Skillnet and IFS, Insurance and Accounting Apprenticeships to help students and employees build work-ready skills
  • Attract talent early through well thought out strategically planned processes
  • Attract transition talent by showcasing modern financial institutions as technology-centric, innovative, world-class employers
  • Broaden recruitment filters to ensure that they are responsive to the changing nature of skills and experience
  • Focus on upskilling and reskilling as an opportunity for mid-career employees

Please click here to download your copy Financial Services in Ireland – Skills of the Future

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